Professional Development Activities (PDA’s)
Professional development activities are transnational or international learning mobility activities supporting the professional development of youth workers. They can take the form of:
▪ Study visits and different types of assignments, such as job shadowing, youth worker exchanges and peer learning, in youth work organisations and organisations active in the youth field abroad.
▪ Networking and community building among youth workers taking part in the action and supporting its objectives.
▪ Training courses supporting the development of competences (e.g. based on relevant existing competence models), to implement quality youth work practices or address and test innovative methods (for instance related to digital and smart youth work108).
▪ Seminars and workshops supporting in particular knowledge-building and best practices sharing linked to the objectives, values and priorities of the EU Youth Strategy and of the EU programmes contributing to its implementation.
The following activities are not eligible for grants under Mobility projects for Youth Workers: academic study trips; activities that aim to make financial profit; activities that can be considered as tourism; festivals; holiday travel; performance tours, statutory meetings.
Learning Process
A Mobility project for Youth Workers needs to envisage support for the reflection process, identification and documentation of learning outcomes, in particular through Youthpass, to support the recognition and impact of the project outcomes, the resulting youth work practices, methodologies and materials in the youth field.
During the planning and preparation of a project, the issue of protection and safety of the participants should be addressed and all necessary measures to prevent/reduce risks should be foreseen.
The implementation of all projects supported under this Action must follow the Erasmus+ Youth Quality standards for organising high quality learning mobility activities. The Erasmus+ Youth Quality Standards cover the basic principles of the Action, as well as concrete implementation practices for project tasks such as selection and preparation of participants, definition, evaluation and recognition of learning outcomes, sharing of project results, etc. The Erasmus+ Youth Quality Standards are available here

Eligibility Criteria for PROJECTS FOR YOUTH WORKER
Number of participating organisations
Minimum two participating organisations (at least one sending and at least one receiving organisation) from different countries must be involved.
Duration of activity
From 2 to 60 days, excluding travel days.
The minimum 2 days must be consecutive
Venue(s) of the activity
The activities must take place in the country of one (or several, in case of itinerant activities) of the organisations participating in the activity.
Eligible participants
No age limit.
Participants, with the exception of trainers, accompanying persons and facilitators, must be resident in the country of their sending or receiving organisation. No age limit.
Number of participants per activity and composition of national groups
Minimum 16 and maximum 60 participants per activity (group leaders, facilitators and accompanying persons not included). In the cases of Youth Exchanges involving only young people with fewer opportunities, the minimum number of participants is 10.
Minimum 4 participants per group (group leaders, facilitators and accompanying persons not included).
Minimum two groups of young people from two different countries.
Each group must have at least one group leader. Maximum two facilitators per activity