ENTER Migrants
Youth work for the ENTErGRATION of young migrants (ENTER Migrants) aims to work on common solutions to this growing problem in Europe with the support of all partner organizations, advocate for inclusive societies,
Name of the project: ENTER Migrants
Dates: 28 May to 2 June 2022
Place: Kemer, Antalya, Turkey
Nature: Mobility of youth workers (Training course)
About the project :
Youth work for the ENTErGRATION of young migrants (ENTER Migrants) aims to work on common solutions to this growing problem in Europe with the support of all partner organizations, advocate for inclusive societies, and to set out specific policies to promote the inclusion of young migrants and refugees through a methodology based on Structured Dialogue.
The specific objectives of this project :
To encourage cooperation between partner organizations, support youth workers with special training, and emphasize the special contribution that youth work can make to the phenomenon of migration.
Focusing on migration and integration and getting involved in education, employment, and health networks
Take action to ensure that young immigrants have access to civil, political, and social rights, which encourages both the active participation of newcomers and their contribution to the host society
Contributing to the smooth integration of migrants and refugees working in parallel with other sectors such as education, employment, and social services.
Promote the integration of young migrants into the European context by promoting projects through the Erasmus Plus Youth program that address issues such as mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue, participation, and equality for minorities.
Promote Erasmus+ Program projects that address the integration of young migrants into the European context and issues such as mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue, inclusion and equality for minorities.
Identify the specific contribution of youth work as well as non-formal and informal learning in partner organizations to respond to the opportunities and challenges posed by the growing number of young migrants and refugees in the European Union.
Le pouvoir du nombre
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