Recognizing that using digital tools gives youth workers easier access to services that meet their diverse needs related to education, communication, networking, activism, and mobility, this phenomenon also creates a
Name of the project: DIGItools
Dates: 19 to 24 June 2022
Place: Mardin, Turkey
Nature: Mobility of youth workers (training course)
About the project :
Recognizing that using digital tools gives youth workers easier access to services that meet their diverse needs related to education, communication, networking, activism, and mobility, this phenomenon also creates a space to find solutions to challenges such as exclusion, discrimination, and alienation, unemployment
The specific objectives of this project :
To recognize and better understand digital youth work approaches and to offer digital approaches to youth work practice;
Developing a shared understanding of the concepts of digital participation of youth workers and its relevance and impact on citizenship, leadership and social activism;
Identifying and critically reviewing digital solutions in practice in partner organizations and assessing their reponsiveness capacity;
To provide capacity building to staff members of partner organisations;
Creating a virtual community to share experiences and good practices using digital tools;
Analyzing and further developing participants' organizations' internal processes and mechanisms to include digital engagement solutions cation
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