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Volunteer  IN Stuttgart
 2025 - 2026

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Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. Education, training, youth and sport are key areas that support citizens in their personal and professional development. High quality, inclusive education and training, as well as informal and non-formal learning, ultimately equip young people and participants of all ages with the qualifications and skills needed for their meaningful participation in democratic society, intercultural understanding and successful transition in the labour market. Building on the success of the programme in the period 2014-2020, Erasmus+ strengthens its efforts to increase the opportunities offered to more participants and to a wider range of organisations, focusing on its qualitative impact and contributing to more inclusive and cohesive, greener and digitally fit societies.

European citizens need to be better equipped with the knowledge, skills and competences needed in a dynamically changing society that is increasingly mobile, multicultural and digital. Spending time in another country to study, to learn and to work should become the standard, and the opportunity to learn two other languages in addition to one’s mother tongue should be offered to everyone. The Programme is a key component supporting the objectives of the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, the European Union Youth Strategy and the European Union Work Plan for Sport (2021-24). 


As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, access to education is proving, more than ever, to be essential to ensuring a swift recovery, while promoting equal opportunities for all. As part of this recovery process, the Erasmus+ programme takes its inclusive dimension to a new horizon by supporting opportunities for personal, socio-educational and professional development of people in Europe and beyond, with the aim of leaving no-one behind. 

To increase the qualitative impact of its actions and ensure equal opportunities, the Programme will reach out more and better to people of different ages and from diverse cultural, social and economic backgrounds. It is at the heart of the Programme to come closer to those with fewer opportunities, including people with disabilities and migrants, as well as European Union citizens living in remote areas or facing socio-economic difficulties. In doing so, the Programme will also encourage its participants, in particular young people to engage and learn to participate in civic society, raising awareness about European Union common values. In 2023, the Programme will also continue to mobilise its efforts to mitigate the socio-economic and educational consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, , including by supporting projects that promote educational activities and facilitate the integration of people fleeing the war in Ukraine into their new learning environments, as well as activities supporting organisations, learners and staff in Ukraine.


Furthermore, in line with the objectives of the European Innovation Agenda on supporting talent development for boosting Europe’s innovation capacity, developing digital skills and competences and skills in forward-looking fields, such as combating climate change, clean energy, artificial intelligence, robotics, big data analysis, etc. is essential for Europe's future sustainable growth and cohesion. The Programme can make a meaningful contribution by stimulating innovation and bridging Europe's knowledge, skills and competences gap. EU businesses need to become more competitive through talent and innovation. This investment in knowledge, skills and competences will benefit individuals, institutions, organisations and society as a whole by contributing to sustainable growth and ensuring equity, prosperity and social inclusion in Europe and beyond.



The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship. As such, the Programme shall be a key instrument for building a European Education Area, supporting the implementation of the European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training, with its underlying sectoral agendas. In addition, it is key in advancing youth policy cooperation under the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and developing the European dimension in sport.


The Programme has the following specific objectives:

- Promote learning mobility of individuals and groups, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training;

- Promote non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of youth;

- Promote learning mobility of sport staff, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies.


EU Member States participate fully in all actions of the Erasmus+ Programme. In addition, in accordance with article 19 of the Erasmus+ Regulation, the following third countries are associated to the programme:

- members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which are members of the European Economic Area (EEA): Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein;

- acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates: Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Türkiye and Republic of Serbia;

The EU Member States and the above mentioned third countries associated to the programme will be hereafter called “EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme”.

In addition, in accordance with article 20 of the Regulation, legal entities from third countries non-associated to the Programme can be eligible in Erasmus+ actions in duly justified cases and in the Union interest (hereafter called “third countries not associated to the Programme”).

Erasmus+ Tunisia


The following countries can fully take part in all the Actions of the Erasmus+ Programme:

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The following countries can take part in certain Actions of the Programme, subject to specific criteria or conditions (please consult Part B of this Guide for the exact list of eligible countries for each specific action). Funding will be allocated to organisations in the countries within their territories as recognised by international law. Funding must respect any restrictions placed on EU external assistance imposed by the European Council. Applications have to be in line with the overall EU values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities as foreseen in Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union.

The following third countries not associated to the Programme are regrouped according to the EU’s external action instruments, namely the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation – Global Europe Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe)21 and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPAIII)22.

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This section of the Programme Guide presents the Key Action 1 actions in the field of Youth. These actions provide non-formal and informal learning opportunities for young people and youth workers.

Non-formal and informal learning enable young people to acquire essential competences that contribute to their personal and socio-educational development and foster their active participation in society, thereby improving their employment prospects.

Through their participation in learning mobility activities, youth workers develop skills relevant for their professional development, foster new organisational practices and raise quality of youth work in general.

Learning activities within the youth field are meant to have a significantly positive impact on young people as well as on the organisations involved, the communities in which these activities take place, the youth field itself and the European economic and societal sectors at large. The following Actions are supported:

  • Mobility of young people - Youth exchanges

  • Mobility projects for youth workers

  • Youth participation activities

  • DiscoverEU Inclusion Action

Erasmus+ Tunisia

Le Bureau National Erasmus+ Tunisie (NEO-Tunisie), en collaboration avec le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique (MESRS), la Délégation de l’Union européenne en Tunisie (DUE) et l’Agence nationale de promotion de la recherche scientifique (ANPR), a organisé, mardi 20 décembre 2022, la cérémonie d’inauguration de son nouveau local. Read more

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